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Kaplan Dat, 2007-2008
Kaplan Dat, 2007-2008
  • 作者:Kaplan, Inc.
  • 出版社:Kaplan
  • 出版日期:2006/05/23
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:2275


    博客來-Kaplan Dat, 2007-2008博客來訂書網址:


    With comprehensive review, realistic practice, and proven

    score-raising strategies, Kaplan DAT with CD-ROM, 2007-2008

    Edition delivers the best preparation for the challenging Dental

    Admission Test (DAT).

    This updated edition of Kaplan DAT with CD-ROM, 2007-2008

    Edition takes a strategic approach to scoring higher on this

    demanding, science-intensive exam. Kaplan provides students

    with an easy-to-follow study plan featuring:

    * 2 full-length practice tests (1 in the book and 1 on the CD-ROM)

    * Detailed answer explanations

    * Intensive coverage of all the tested subjects, including biology,

    general chemistry, organic chemistry, and quantitative reasoning

    * A realistic Perceptual Ability Test on the CD-ROM, with 3-D

    figures that students can rotate and view from different angles

    * Additional practice online

    With comprehensive review, realistic practice, and proven

    score-raising strategies, Kaplan DAT with CD-ROM, 2007-2008

    Edition delivers the best preparation for the challenging Dental

    Admission Test (DAT).

    This updated edition of Kaplan DAT with CD-ROM, 2007-2008

    Edition takes a strategic approach to scoring higher on this

    demanding, science-intensive exam. Kaplan provides students

    with an easy-to-follow study plan featuring:

    * 2 full-length practice tests (1 in the book and 1 on the CD-ROM)

    * Detailed answer explanations

    * Intensive coverage of all the tested subjects, including biology,

    general chemistry, organic chemistry, and quantitative reasoning

    * A realistic Perceptual Ability Test on the CD-ROM, with 3-D

    figures that students can rotate and view from different angles

    * Additional practice online


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